We endeavour to give the most up to date information regarding trigger warnings for shows but we cannot guarantee that this will cover all aspects and needs. If you don't see the information you require listed below, please call our Box Office on 01242 572 573 or email us on access@everymantheatre.org.uk. Due to the nature of theatre shows, content on this page may change as we receive information and/or updates.
Shows are in alphabetical order, not date order:
This is a partly improvised performance so we do not know in advance of any possible trigger warnings, however, it is light-hearted in nature.
Possible paranormal experience, full darkness, mental health struggles, death.
Death, beheading
Violence, mention of kidnap, death, severe injury, torture, electrocution, gun shots, motorcycle crash.
Violence, drug use, mental illness, sexual references, sudden loud noises including gun shots.
Violence, strong language, death, grief.
Adult themes, sensitive subjects.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Children in discomfort or danger.
Cruel Intentions: The 90's Musical
Sexual language and behaviour, racism, drug use, abuse, accidental death, possible non consensual relations.
Suicide, drug use, mention of abuse, self harm, mental illness.
Death and grief, loud noises, suicide, severe injury, mental illness - this show may not be appropriate for those of a nervous disposition.
Alcohol abuse, violence, emotional abuse, infant loss, sexual harassment, stabbing.
Gambling, physical violence, alcohol and drug use, sexual references, loud noises including gun shot.
Mental health struggles, in particular, depression.
Sexual references, including sexual violence, mental distress, smoking. Please note, this performance is portrayed entirely in dance.
Death, grief, murder, manslaughter, violence, weapons.
Violence, mild sexual references, alcohol use, murder.
Death, threatening behaviour.
Death, drugs, physical and sexual abuse, violence, cannibalism, guns.
Strong language, references to alcohol and drugs.
Sexual references, references to sexual assault, references to death, strong language
Sexual harassment.
We are not aware of any Trigger warnings for any shows not listed above.