Chapel Arts
Talk Images Of Christmas - Sacred and Secular
This Event Takes Place @ Chapel Arts, Cheltenham (Chapel Arts, Knapp Road (Near St. James Square), Cheltenham. GL50 3QQ)
Join artist, lecturer and curator David Addison for a talk on Christmas art – sacred and secular. Questions to be examined include:
- Picturing Christmas - Fun, Fact, or Fiction?
- Was Oliver Cromwell right to ban Christmas?
- Was Christmas always white?
David will explore a wide variety of depictions of the various interpretations and understandings (and misunderstandings) of the festive season - ancient and modern.
David is a trained and experienced artist, art historian, art curator and art lecturer. He studied at Ipswich School of Art and the Fine Art Department at the University of Newcastle, and he went on to train as a teacher and adult education tutor. Also, over the years, he took research degrees in Art History at the Universities of Birmingham and Bristol.
David is particularly interested in involving adults of all ages and educational backgrounds in appreciating art and its social and historical context. His experience includes working with the Open University and other Adult Education work, as well as more informal work with such bodies as the W.E.A. and the U3A. Until recently he took regular groups exploring the collection at the Ashmolean Museum and, until very recently, led two U3A Art Appreciation Groups at the Wilson (which he knows well having been Director of the Art Gallery and Museum in the past).