Chapel Arts
How to Eat for England: The Anatomy of a Restuarant Critic (Matthew Fort)
This Event Takes Place @ Chapel Arts, Cheltenham (Chapel Arts, Knapp Road (Near St. James Square), Cheltenham. GL50 3QQ)
A very entertaining talk with food critic, writer, BBC2's Great British Menu presenter and food obsessive, Matthew Fort.
About Matthew Fort:
Matthew was educated at Eton College, Roedean School and the Universities of Lancaster and Pennsylvania.
He worked for many years as a Creative Director in London Advertising Agencies before joining The Guardian in 2004 as their Food & Drink Editor and restaurant reviewer.
He has written for The Observer, The Telegraph, The Mail on Sunday, The Financial Times, Vanity Fair, The Illustrated London News, Cuisine at Vins de France and a host of other publications. he has won many awards for his writing including the Premio Antic Corte Pallavicina in 2008 and the Premio Sicilia Madre Mediterranea in 2009.
His books inlcuee, Sweet Honey, Bitter Lemons (2008, Ebury Press); Summer in the Islands (2017); An Italian Odyssey (based on a six month journey travelling the Italian islands); Eating Up Italy (Fourth Estate, 2004) (A book about Italians and their food, based on a trip on a Vespa from the trip of Southern Italy to Turin. This was the Guild of Food Writers' Book of the Year in 2005).
Matthew is one of the judges on the BBC's The Great British Menu (from 2006 - current). He also worked on Greatest Dishes in the World 9Sky, 2005); The Forager's Field Guide (ITV, 2005) and Market Kitchen (Good Food Channel).
He has a wonderful vegetable garden at his home in Gloucestershire and is an innovative cook.